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BI SQL # 154 : SQL Server DBA Scripts : Find columns by properties


Hi Geeks,

In this article we are going to cover How to Find columns by properties.

In this post we are going to discuss following points:

  • Problem Statement of SQL Script:
  • Description of SQL Script:
  • SQL Script Output Column
  • SQL Script Code
  • SQL Script Output Screenshot
  • User Level to execute

Problem Statement of SQL Script:

Find columns by properties.

Description of SQL Script:

By this Transact-SQL script you can find all columns within a database by filtering on the column properties.

SQL Script Output Column


SQL Script Code

    ,@false VARCHAR(10);

SET @false = '';-- Display value for false / not set. 
SET @true = 'X';-- Display value for true / set. 

    ,COL.column_id AS ColumnID
    ,COL.NAME AS ColumnName
    ,STYP.NAME AS SystemType
        WHEN COL.system_type_id = COL.user_type_id
            THEN ''
        END AS UserType
        WHEN COL.max_length = - 1
            THEN 'max'
        ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), COL.max_length)
        END AS MaxLength
    ,COL.precision AS Precision
    ,COL.scale AS Scale
    ,COL.collation_name AS CollationName
    ,DFLT.NAME AS DefaultValue
        WHEN COL.is_nullable = 0
            THEN @false
        ELSE @true
        END AS IsNullable
        WHEN COL.is_identity = 0
            THEN @false
        ELSE @true
        END AS IsIdentity
        WHEN COL.is_computed = 0
            THEN @false
        ELSE @true
        END AS IsComputed
        WHEN COL.is_xml_document = 0
            THEN @false
        ELSE @true
        END AS IsXmlDoc
        WHEN COL.is_replicated = 0
            THEN @false
        ELSE @true
        END AS IsReplicated
        WHEN COL.is_merge_published = 0
            THEN @false
        ELSE @true
        END AS IsMergeRepl
-- New Columns on 2008/2008R2; remove comment. 
--,CASE WHEN COL.is_filestream = 0 THEN @false ELSE @true END AS IsFileStream       
--,CASE WHEN COL.is_sparse = 0 THEN @false ELSE @true END AS IsSparse 
FROM sys.tables AS TBL
INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS SCH ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns AS COL ON TBL.object_id = COL.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.types AS STYP ON COL.system_type_id = STYP.
    AND COL.system_type_id = STYP.user_type_id
    AND STYP.is_user_defined = 0
INNER JOIN sys.types AS TYP ON COL.system_type_id = TYP.
    AND COL.user_type_id = TYP.user_type_id
LEFT JOIN sys.objects AS DFLT ON COL.default_object_id = DFLT.
-- Option filter to find columns by properties 
WHERE TBL.is_ms_shipped = 0 -- No system tables shipped by MS. 
    --AND NOT DFLT.name IS NULL  -- Have a default value assigned. 
    --AND STYP.name = 'uniqueidentifier'  -- Filter on specific data type. 
    --AND COL.max_length = -1  -- Lenght = max. 
    --AND COL.is_identity = 1  -- All identity columns. 
ORDER BY TableName

SQL Script Output Screenshot


User Level to execute


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Filed under: Link, Microsoft SQL Server, MSBI, Optimization, Query, Script, SQL Mentalist, SQL PraRup, SQL Query, SQL Server, Technology,, TSQL, Vishal Pawar Tagged: DBA, Fast SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Help, SQL Mentalist, SQL Script, SQL Server, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012, SQL tips, SQL Tricks, TSQL, Vishal Pawar

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